Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Photos from our holidays in DK

Great holidyas in Denmark. Extraordinary weather. Blue skies and temperatures around 25 degrees for almost 3 weeks. That's pretty special in Denmark. Yimin was only freezing a couple of times......Can't wait to get back next summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you. How's your god damn mother fucker hammer hanging down there, boy????? Big smiles and laugh - Chris/svindlerne

2:12 PM


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