Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My parents on visit in Oz from DK

Yeah....a great holiday in Oz with my parents. The weather - as you can see - was considerably better than Denmark. I think my parents had a fantastic time here. Now back in Denmark, they are full of impressions from the land down under. And Oz is just a remarkable place. A survey recently done by UN listed Australia as the 3rd best country to live in worldwide behind Norway and Iceland. In my book, it's the best. By far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steen

It's calling from Kitty in Skagen HK. Hope that you have a wonderful holiday in Au.

I received your voice mail but I am not sure Friday appointment is confirmed or not. Do you available on 5 Jan, Friday for lunch. Please give me a call for reconfirm. I also leave the voice message on your Au mobile phone.

Have a nice day.


7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steen

It's calling from Kitty in Skagen HK. Hope that you have a wonderful holiday in Au.

I received your voice mail but I am not sure Friday appointment is confirmed or not. Do you available on 5 Jan, Friday for lunch. Please give me a call for reconfirm. I also leave the voice message on your Au mobile phone.

Have a nice day.


7:19 PM


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