Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New years eve in Hong Kong

We were celebrating NYE 07 with Yimins sister and her boyfriend Howard and Johannes (Yourhighness) and his girlfriend Aura. Eating a superb dinner at Aqua on the 39th floor of Peking 1 overseeing the Hong Kong harbour.

A Danish christmas in Melbourne after all.....

Check out my pork roast for christmas eve.....it was awesome. Paul Bocouse par excellence. The only thing, that was missing was the color of the gravy. In Denmark we use a color ingredient, that makes the gravy dark brown called "kulør". I couldn't find kulør anywhere in Melbourne, so the gravy was a bit pale. But the taste was absolutely spot on.