Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Alfred has landed 23.03.07!!!

Isn't he just drop dead cute little Alfred Huang Albrechtslund aka "AA" aka Lung Boe Li? A sight for sore eyes. He arrived in the afternoon via a cesarean 51 cm long and 3.4 kilo match weight. Just slightly above the average of Taiwanese boys and just slightly below the average of Danish boys. But he's catching up.....eating constantly and Yimin is very busy in providing milk. The color of the eyes is dark blue, but that might change; However both Yimin and I feel he's the perfect hybrid between a Dane and a Taiwanese. Everybody says that their baby is beautiful and quite frankly: most babies look like....well.....babies! But AA is "the chosen one". He's just more well made than other babies. Not crying much, just making us know via baby moaning that he's awake and hungry. That might change also...and most likely he will turn into a menace baby like I was constantly craving for attention. After 1 week at the hospital in Taipei , where we had a very nice suite with living room, kitchen and bedroom Yimin is returning to the new Huang family apartment in Taipei where there is a nurse waiting to take care of mother and baby 24-7. I had to return to Hong Kong to work and it was really really hard to leave AA and Yimin. But it is reassuring that there is a nurse to take care of both. Well......time for enter sandman but I will return with more photos of AA.


Blogger Claes said...

Hi Steen & Yimin

Congrats, loved the pics of little Alfred:-)
Wishing you and the family all the best

Claes Frederiksen

2:14 AM


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