Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I just wanted to share this great photo of me and my beautiful wife

The beauty and the beast.

Watch trade show in Basel and visit to Skagen

In mid April Basel is the center of the largest watch trade show on the globe. Of course we were there presenting our fall 07 and spring 08 collection. All customers and distributors received the collection with great enthusiasm. Good prospects for this year and next year. We also took some of our partners to Skagen to see the origin of the brand and the opening of the Skagen Shop just across the Skagen Museum. As you can see by the pictures, it was absolutely fabulous weather in Denmark and the trip was underlining the the sense of bona futura for the company. I went over Copenhagen back to Hong Kong and got a chance to see my parents and my brother and to eat a lot of traditional danish food.

Factory visits in China

Quite an experience. I must say, that I have never seen such discipline and work ethic. All staff was deeply concentrated and focus on the job at hand. And then the working hours.....of course within all international standards and fully complied - but still. I'm genuinely concerned about the future competitiveness of the old European industry nations such as France. We can never ever compete with the Chinese in terms of production. Not in foreseeable future at least. The Chinese are just more "hungry" and eager to perform and increase living standards. Europe has to concentrate on creating ideas and develop brain capital even more. And we need to gear our educational system more towards creativity and idea generation. I intend to stimulate my son into a more creative path. On the bag of China, Vietnam and India are waiting with even more motivated work force. Next wave will then be Russia. Europe will not be able to compete without creativity. It's simply the key.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Hi world - more photos of me and my Taiwanese family

As promised just yesterday more photos for my fans in Denmark and elsewhere. Here's a photo of my new friend and nurse Mrs. Kuo. She's taking very good care of me and makes sure that I get the right food and treatment. She also teach mom how to take care of me when she is not there one day. There's also a photo which unfortunately proves that daddy and I look alike. And las but not least theres is a photo of me and my mom

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Daddy want's to kiss....

...and it's actually a little bit disgusting. He smells of beer and I have just been into the shower. I have taken over the BLOG from daddy, by the way. Now I and only I upload new post. Stay tuned for more pictures of me, my family and shortly also my nurse. I also want to upload more pictures of my mom. Daddy is sometimes so self absorbed that he only want to see himself. I like more pictures of my mom and me on my BLOG. But bear over with him - dad is working intensely on his attention-to-other-people disorder and some improvements already made.

Nowadays I'm in Taipei with my moms family. I hear all kinds of languages. Dad speaks to me in a strange voice but sometimes he switches over to the same language that mom sometimes uses. But Mom and the other - friendly - people here sometimes also speaks in a strange language. Well....I guess I have to adapt but if they are looking to confuse me I also only scream and make strange noises they try to interpret into all kinds of completely stupid theories. I laugh a lot inside. It keeps them occupied and I can rest in peace. Stay cool

Alfred aka AA aka "The chosen one"

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Alfred has landed 23.03.07!!!

Isn't he just drop dead cute little Alfred Huang Albrechtslund aka "AA" aka Lung Boe Li? A sight for sore eyes. He arrived in the afternoon via a cesarean 51 cm long and 3.4 kilo match weight. Just slightly above the average of Taiwanese boys and just slightly below the average of Danish boys. But he's catching up.....eating constantly and Yimin is very busy in providing milk. The color of the eyes is dark blue, but that might change; However both Yimin and I feel he's the perfect hybrid between a Dane and a Taiwanese. Everybody says that their baby is beautiful and quite frankly: most babies look like....well.....babies! But AA is "the chosen one". He's just more well made than other babies. Not crying much, just making us know via baby moaning that he's awake and hungry. That might change also...and most likely he will turn into a menace baby like I was constantly craving for attention. After 1 week at the hospital in Taipei , where we had a very nice suite with living room, kitchen and bedroom Yimin is returning to the new Huang family apartment in Taipei where there is a nurse waiting to take care of mother and baby 24-7. I had to return to Hong Kong to work and it was really really hard to leave AA and Yimin. But it is reassuring that there is a nurse to take care of both. Well......time for enter sandman but I will return with more photos of AA.