Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Factory visits in China

Quite an experience. I must say, that I have never seen such discipline and work ethic. All staff was deeply concentrated and focus on the job at hand. And then the working hours.....of course within all international standards and fully complied - but still. I'm genuinely concerned about the future competitiveness of the old European industry nations such as France. We can never ever compete with the Chinese in terms of production. Not in foreseeable future at least. The Chinese are just more "hungry" and eager to perform and increase living standards. Europe has to concentrate on creating ideas and develop brain capital even more. And we need to gear our educational system more towards creativity and idea generation. I intend to stimulate my son into a more creative path. On the bag of China, Vietnam and India are waiting with even more motivated work force. Next wave will then be Russia. Europe will not be able to compete without creativity. It's simply the key.


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