Hey there, I'm Steen Albrechtslund. A Dane working and living in Hong Kong. With me, I have my wife Yimin Albrechtslund and our son Alfred Huang Albrechtslund. This BLOG is basically a platform for keeping family and friends updated on what's happening in our life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So what...I gained a little weight..but I'm still charming!

I'm totally cute, huh? Even though I resemble a mix between Jabba The Hut, Master Yoda and my daddy, I still got the looks. Everyday is getting more and more exiting and I'm sleeping less in the day time to in order not to loose out on any event that might happen. I also like when there are guests. They are so entertaining. Sometimes mum puts me in my room when there are guests, but it infuriates me big time and I start screaming. I want to be part of the action. Howdy partner!


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